Dr. Elizabeth’s Story

77M patient with history of laboratory confirmed hypogonadism on long standing testosterone transdermally called office to request standard refill of testosterone. Somehow/someone accidentally linked “erectile dysfunction” as the indication triggering a LONG PROCESS of PAs from medicare, doctor personally wrote letter on patients behalf stating the case, denials, 2nd request-> denial, 3rd request -> court hearing which is now pending in Mid April, despite medical team requesting expedited review for pt suffering with fatigue and atrophy for critically low T. 
Cost: Approximately 8 hours of skilled RN time on phone and with paperwork/fax etc, patient trips to office repeatedly for signing forms, pharmacy phone calls. 

So far, no result yet other than patient who is fading. At 77, we don’t bounce back so at this point, he is suffering. It’s also important to note all the patients who did not get attention because the paperwork required for Medicare, PA, etc., has sucked up time/energy from a skilled RN to deal with it. 
Lastly, is Medicare REALLY going to spend how much money on a HEARING to clarify the indication and coverage of this medication?